One thing I know is that I cannot complete this journey on my own. We each have innate talents and acquired assets and when we pool them, the results far surpass what any individual can produce. God created us to work together and it’s how I have chosen to live my life. In that spirit, I have enjoyed collaborating with friends and colleagues who bring something to the table that I myself do not possess - be it beautiful voices, a deep knowledge of ancient cultures or a large inventory of gear. 

I look forward to enlarging my circle of friends and supporters. In the immediate future, donating to my crowdfunding initiative will serve to pay for studio time, buy some new gear and take care of other practical matters in the pursuit of finishing this album. Further along, I intend to offer more benefits for supporters, such as merchandise and exclusive access to recordings, blog content and scripture exegesis. Those who donate will have a voice in future projects. I would love to see this grow into a real community of pilgrims journeying together. 

Please listen to the demo tracks in the player in the bottom right corner of this page. Crowdfunded resources will help get the final versions of these songs done soon. Thank you for partnering with me in this worthy initiative to encourage and empower the Body of Messiah and reach those whom God is drawing to Himself!

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