  1. Made Into One

This song is a look at marriage through a biblical lens. Accordingly, this is a duet I wrote this in the early part of my wife’s and my marriage and she originally sang the lady’s part. I really love the bridge of this song and the recently-added voices to fill out the rich harmonies.


Made Into One Gen. 1:26-27, 2:18, 21-24, Eph. 5:25-33 (Male) In the beginning God made Man, in the image of God
Male and female created He them but Adam was still alone.
(Female) Adam was formed of the dust of the earth and Eve taken from his side, Bone of His bone and flesh of his flesh; a perfect match made by God
Chorus 1:
(Together in unison) They had become Made Into One, What God has joined let no man divide. (Male) What does this say about man and wife? (Together in Unison ) What does this say about love? Therefore shall man leave his father and mother (Male) and two shall be made into one.
Verse 2:
(Female) Messiah gave himself for the church so we might be sanctified,
And cleansed by the washing of the Word; His word is Spirit and Life
(Male) He would present us to himself without wrinkle or spot A holy and glorious called out bride set apart by his love.
(Male) Cherish your wife as your own body, as the Lord loves the church. For we are members of His Body, made of His flesh and His bone.
Chorus 3:
(Together in harmony) Now they’ve become Made Into One, (Male) What God has joined let
(Together in harmony) no man divide.
(Female) What does this say of the body of Christ?
(Together in harmony) What does this say about love?
(Together in unison) Therefore shall man leave his father and mother
(Male) and two shall be made (Female) two shall be made
(Together in harmony) two shall be made into one. (Together in harmony) Two shall be made into one
© 1989, 2023 Jerry Cordato